MFN Business Membership Means Business for National & Regional Companies
MFN Connects: Military Relationships Help Non-Profits Support Military
MFN Shares: Cities Achieve More By Supporting Military
State "Gets out the Vote" with MFN
MFN Builds Local Military Friendly Reputations- A High Class Return on Investment
MFN Partner Marketing Builds Memberships and Increases Subscriptions
MFN Partner Marketing Builds Memberships
Part of The Military Family Network’s reputation is making sure military families have access to resources they need to be strong and healthy. With our nation engaged in the War on Terrorism, many service members are coming home carrying heartache and adjustment challenges as a result of their service. MFN helped Gift From Within, a non-profit Maine organization, create an online community providing information about Post Traumatic Stress and how to help. Gift from Within has reached thousands of families through MFN and has built their reputation as a leading provider of resources supporting families.
“I visit the forum at least once a month to see what is going on and of course add resources when appropriate. It's a great website. Last month I received a call that the US Army will be ordering 200 of our DVD's (two titles, Recovering From Traumatic Events: The Healing Process and When Helping Hurts: Sustaining Trauma Workers) for their SAPR Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program. The US Air Force recently ordered Recovering From Traumatic Events: The Healing Process program for their SARC initiative, and the program is being shipped to all the bases that are running SARC. I appreciate you telling your colleagues about us. Please stay in touch. I admire the work you are doing.”
Gift From Within
State "Gets out the Vote" with MFN
MFN Helps Virginia Voters
The Commonwealth of Virginia’s Absentee Balloting Program achieved a record number of absentee ballots as a result of the partnership between the UOCAVA Coordinator and The Military Family Network. In a report to the governor, the success was attributed to MFN…
 ”UOCAVA Coordinator collaborated with Military Family Network for several events and to create a Virginia Absentee Voting Online Forum. Collaboration with Military Family Network provided Virginia with the opportunity to distribute absentee voting information (either by brochure or by inclusion in the Military Family Network’s material) over 198,000 recipients in all states and 2 countries. UOCAVA Coordinator provided with information Military Family Network with information for an absentee voting press release sent through news service to include Goggle (number of recipients receiving the news 250,000 per release-) October 2005 Report.
Building Reputation and Building Business
The Network for Success in Achieving More with the Military
MFN helps a local Minnesota business learn how to build their business through patriotic giving. The Network helped Karen’s Cooking Service support a local National Guard Unit. The network provided introduction and contact information so that the business could support a family through the holidays. By following the network connections provided by The Military Family Network, they have achieved continued catering referrals translating into exciting growth for this small business.
“The contact information worked out splendidly! Not only did we help a military family for Christmas, my husband and I are going to work with the Rosemount National Guard with their upcoming "Body Mind Soul" event. I have my own business - KAREN'S COOKING SERVICE - so we'll be providing luncheon for the 50-75 folks expected. But more exciting, they've asked us to teach a cooking class during the event. Thanks so much for passing along their information to me. It helped to make our holidays brighter.”
Karen Ogden
Minneapolis Minnesota
Network helps National Military Association Reach Military Families
The Military Family Network has increased the awareness, membership and participation in the Association of the United States Army’s Family Programs Directorate. This partnership has ensured the continued success and support of Army families nationwide and across the globe. There commitment to MFN’s mission can be seen in this letter from Sylvia Kidd, Director of AUSA Family Programs:
The Association of the United States Army Family Programs Directorate selects its partner organizations based upon the service that they are able to provide to military service members and their families. The Military Family Network provides a valuable service to our men and women in uniform and therefore we are pleased to support their mission, which is to connect military service members and their families with their communities and with each other. Military families often face additional challenges beyond those of civilian families because of their commitment to serving their country and the inherent hardships invoiced in keeping that commitment.
The AUSA Family Programs Directorate works diligently to continuously find additional methods of communicating information and sharing programs with Soldiers and their families to help them be better prepared for the requirements of the military lifestyle. Frequent moves, today's ongoing deployments and constant transitions and mobilizations often cause military families to feel disconnected from their communities. This disconnection can often be remedied by simply arming families with information.
The Military Family Network provides an additional way to help bridge this gap. Through their network and community partnerships, military families can get reliable information, when contemplating their move to a new community to help them create links to community members and businesses that will assist them in assimilating into that community and becoming contributing members.
It takes all of us, working together to provide services and support to our nation's Service members and their families. Your help is needed, especially during this time of turmoil. Link your organization or community by partnering with The Military Family Network. Share your information, find out what you can do to assist them to continue their mission and expand their network to help provide information and community links to military families.
Sylvia E. J. Kidd
Association of the United States Army Family Programs Director
As a social entrepreneurial company, The Military Family Network brings the entire community together in support of military citizens. When Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast, The Military Family Network immediately reached out, partnered with The National Guard Bureau to a The Military Home Share Program providing community support and shelter to military families and veterans affected by the storm. In less than two days, over 100 families representing 10 states responded to the call, in less than a week, almost 300 families representing almost every state were registered to share or donate their homes to displaced military members.
The network placed dozens of families, including a National Guard Family, with a deployed service member, five children and 1 newborn child, born during the Hurricane. The Network worked closely with the Richmond Supply Center to move the family and place them in government quarters. The homes were fully furnished, clothing was purchased and the refrigerator stocked full of wonderful foods.
The Neighbor of Choice Business Members and community clients that work with the Military Family Network achieve success for their organizations through the community partnerships and communication model MFN deploys. The Home Share Program is an example of how this same network has the power to rally support for military families affected by disaster and are in distress.
Disclaimer: eMilitary is in no way affiliated with the Department of Defense (DoD) or any branch of the Armed Services (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine or Coast Guard) and inclusion on this site does not reflect endorsement by the DoD, any local government or their agencies.